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For the many men I have the pleasure of helping, health is an issue. 


You see, over our life journey stuff comes up - jobs, partners, kids, you name it - all the things which can get in the way of looking after ourselves.  Next thing you know you've got a cold stethoscope on you're breast bone and a referral to see the cardiologist.


The great news is that just like other areas of your life which you can work on to get 'unstuck' - health is no different.


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The 50 Fit Program

Back in 2017, I felt so strongly about the declining health of my middle-aged mates, I wrote a health and wellness program for them. 


The brief was simple - make it simple! So I did. What to eat, what not to and how to pull a few exercises together which didn't have blokes hauling their sorry %$#s into a gym. 


And so the 50 Fit Program was born - to absolute world wide obscurity! 


But hey, my mates loved it and some of them actually followed through and got way healthier by following the program.


If you watched the video above you would've guessed that the main strategy for fat loss in the 50 Fit Program is to reduce carbs.  If the thought of restricting rice, pasta, bread and dare I say beer is a hard "no way" then this program is not for you.  But think of this - most of us in a day will eat the equivalate amount of carbohydrates to swim the English Channel.  That's a stink load of energy that we just sit on most of the day which accumulates as the dreaded 'love handles'.  It makes sense to reduce the amount of energy which comes from these food so that the body can use it's own fuel - body fat. Besides, once you learn how energy dense some foods are, you can begin to change your relationship with them and start to reintroduce the foods you love later on.  Restriction is not forever. 


So if you're up for it give my 50 Fit Program a try.  It comes complete with step-by-step tutorials, videos, recipes and over 16 weeks of 'at home' video-explained workouts with little to no equipment needed. It costs less than a round of beers, and it's the same way I eat and exercise to this day, and I think I'm doing OK for 58 yrs of age.


To take a look head over to the 50 Fit Program page.


Here's to good health! 

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A Face for Radio....

I was told I had a good face for radio so I managed to swindle my way onto ABC radio Brisbane. Thank goodness it wasn't TV! Hope you enjoy my interviews with day time presenter Kat Feeney about these very important topics...

00:00 / 10:48
00:00 / 12:54

0418 186 623

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